DIY Drafting Instructions
Can you follow written directions and take measurements? Then you may be interested in our "Instructions in Historic Wardrobes" series in which you get plain instructions on drafting any manner of garments to create a whole wardrobe. Each book contains a plethora of original based garments-explanations into design and purpose of each garment, what fabrics to use, historical attitudes on clothing, and a variety of other fun and historic tidbits. Create a whole wardrobe from footwear to underpinnings to outerwear in each book!
Commercial patterning
For those who don't trust their drafting abilities, perhaps our commercial patterns are right for you. From children's clothing to women's accessories you will find a variety of patterns based or drafted fright from original garments to suit your needs. Even if you are a novice seamstress, Katelyn is available through email to answer any pattern questions and troubleshooting you may come across.
Custom patterning
Are you comfortable with following a sewing pattern with or without tech support but need assistance with creating or modifying a pattern to fit you? Allow Katelyn to drape you a pattern and you will come away with your very own custom pattern. In addition, Katelyn will provide you with instructions on making up your garment so you can easily sew your very own custom dress.
Custom Sewing
Want someone else to sew your project for you? Katelyn does that, too! From corsetry, to children's and men's clothes, to bonnets, to dresses and outerwear, Katelyn is able to take an already started project and fix it or start a brand new project. Plus, Katelyn is available to help you pick out period appropriate fabrics and designs for your new garment. She can work with commercial patterns, her patterns, or, in most cases, can drape a pattern to you.
Book Reprints
Once you have your clothing, you will of course need something to do! Reading is a popular past-time now and then and our reprints are just the ticket for those looking for some fun period reading. From reprints to "Godey's Lady's Book" to children's books to parlor reading, we have reprints for you!